Valuation is negotiated

value is earned

Sweat Equity Ventures is a Value Accelerator, a new kind of investor that invests expertise and time in exchange for equity. Collectively, we are a team of highly experienced operators; entrepreneurs and technologists; founders with decades of building highly successful companies, launching products used by millions, and creating billions of dollars in commercial value.


Value Accelerator.

Sweat Equity Ventures works with founders to create value and rapidly achieve their company’s mission and key milestones. We’re deeply invested; we engage hands-on with startups strategically and operationally, broad and deep.


A Founder-First Philosophy.

An Operator Perspective.

As a team of founders and operators, we deeply understand the challenges that founders face at every stage. Fundamentally, all companies are evaluated on three things - team, product, traction.  There are many startups with funding who still lack the network, talent and access to drive those three things at the fastest rate. One of the biggest challenges is hiring top experienced talent during a startup’s early days to help accelerate growth when it’s most critical.   

There’s thrashing in all organizations at all different stages. Having great insight in all three tenets of a good business: people, product and go-to-market is what helps companies move through inflection points and build towards a trajectory of scale. Hence here at Sweat Equity, our work takes on a holistic approach that draws upon the collective experience of our tenured team in all these areas; a team made of individuals so rare and so cost prohibitive to hire especially during the early days of a startup.



We believe that every company is unique with a set of distinct needs and circumstances. Our model is built around engaging holistically at the most critical moments and applying deep expertise in product and engineering, go-to-market and talent growth, providing a tailored solution to help create tangible shifts in trajectory.  We work in dedicated sprints with our portfolio as part of their team in all these areas. 

Talent & Growth

Product & Engineering




In the Trenches.

Our fund is built as operating capital to provide services. At the heart of how we invest is a deep commitment to the success of our founders. Therefore, every part of our engagement optimizes efforts to serve that goal. Our investment comes in the form of common stock, just like the founding team, and our stock also has a vesting schedule. Our portfolio companies’ KPIs are our own and our responsibility comes in the form of tangible deliverables.  And we believe that goal can only be served if we are deeply invested and in the trenches, working alongside our founders.


